Saturday, 23 February 2019

Sync Sound

   After today's workstation class, I came to think that sync sound is especially important when speaking about a piece of work with an interview incorporated into it, since otherwise it will be harder to sync the sound up with the footage, but also pointless when we have the option to work with the camera and the mics simultaneously, without any problem. Whether it’s a rifle microphone or a radio microphone, I believe that the sound should arrive the same, as long as the settings of both camera and the mics, the microphone's frequency and the channels are correctly established. 

   Because I have to work on a documentary soon, I consider using the sync sound regularly, since we’re going to have a few people interviewed and I see this option the most suitable so far. I intend to opt for the radio mics, because I believe that they are really practical and easy to use and moreover, there is a probability for the people to move around at that specific moment, to record the sound outside or in inconvenient places, where the booming might create discomfort or the rifle microphone could capture the side noises as well, unfortunately. However, I have in mind to book a back-up microphone in case the radio mic kit won’t perform as we expect and to have the sound recorded in two different ways if possible.

  I also watched a few tutorials and helpful videos about microphones, synchronization, monitoring the signal (visually, audibly or both), editing the sound in post-production and about the right type of equipment and how to use it correctly (e.g. headphones need to be suitable for the type of audio you record or hear), things that can be used during any type of shootings, not for documentaries only.

Mics, Audio Recorders & How to sync video with audio, TechSmith, 13 August 2015, <>
7 Ways to hide a Lavalier Microphone, izzyvideo, 19 March 2014, <>
The Three Keys to great audio for video, izzyvideo, 10 December 2011 <>

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